
The omnichannel age has arrived!


A total purchasing experience

The Retail sector is as dynamic as it is variable, and recent progress in technology is driving its evolution.

Personalized shopping has never been as seamless as it is today: the boundaries between distribution channels are disappearing and consumers are being immersed in a total purchasing experience.

Simultaneous flow management for e-commerce and physical stores

The pressure on logistics flows is growing: replenishment of stores, the boom in e-commerce and the emergence of Click & Collect.

New consumer behaviours are encouraging businesses to rethink their supply chains. Operating methods - particularly in warehouses - are being transformed in this fast-changing climate of multi-channel flows. Multi-country and multi-channel distribution centres are emerging, as are “real-time” exchanges between the demand and supply/production centres.

The logistics solution offered by Scallog is a real asset, helping to retain a competitive advantage and deliver customer satisfaction.


Robotizing logistics

The sector demands great reactivity, a challenge being met by Scallog with an innovative solution: the robotized order picking system.

When orders are received, the Scallog system dispatches Boby robots to locate the shelves containing the relevant products.

By anticipating picking requirements, the productivity of the operating teams is increased threefold. Operators no longer move around the warehouse: they concentrate exclusively on order picking.


The Scallog system is successful in the sector due to its enhanced flexibility that gives it the ability to anticipate and adapt to changes in buying behaviour. A global turnkey solution that brings customers into the heart of the supply chain.

The future of today’s businesses depends on their ability to adopt technologies and bridge physical and digital points of contact. Scallog is the ideal logistics partner for members of the retail sector.


Our experts will be happy to hear from you to help you analyze your requirements and provide a solution that will meet the challenges of the sector.